Definitely the most biased "news" article I have ever read. Yes, reporters from all ends of the spectrum are occasionally guilty of allowing their political beliefs to influence their reporting, but this is just ridiculous.
And I'm not even a huge Romney fan...
A majority of the "flubs" highlighted by the article are not really flubs. Most of them are statements of fact, simply portrayed by the liberal media as mess-ups. Such thinly veiled attacks against Republican character sicken my stomach.
Take, for instance, the Cadillac comment. Why in the world is Romney being scorned for owning American-made cars? As successful as he is, Romney could very well own any foreign-luxury car he desired. Also, the Cadillacs quoted are not super high-end cars. Many "working-class" men and women do not hesitate to purchase nice things they cannot afford, and often those items are just as expensive than a $35,000-$45,000 car. Ever seen anyone driving an RV? What about a sailboat? Or the average small-engine aircraft owner? Right or wrong, lack of funds rarely stops most working-class citizens from getting what they want. They just get into debt up to their eyeballs. So why should a man be villainized for actually affording what he owns?
It was mentioned in the article about corporate profits. If corporations don't make money, how in the world do people expect to get jobs? Are people just going to hand everybody money just for the fun of it? Somebody, somewhere, risked everything in order to start the businesses that drive our economy. If you are jealous, then start your own business. Problem solved.
I am appalled by the main-stream media's demonization of conservative values. We are the ones who believe that everyday citizens have the responsibility and integrity needed to save America. We are the ones who believe in equal opportunity for all. We are the ones who believe that hard work deserves to be rewarded with success. And we are the ones who believe in the true freedom of America, and we will fight against those who would enslave America to hand-outs and strip away the harvest of our hard-earned endeavors.
We are the true heart of America.