
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Little Things: Updates and a Thought

This is going to be a quick, but I am exceedingly heavy of heart that my blog has been neglected for an entire month. I wonder if it ever gets its feelings hurt... Life has been ridiculous but pretty good, as always. Updates:
     A. Hebrew class is intriguing but beginning to be overwhelming. 
     B. I have my first extremely intensive research paper due in a couple of weeks. I have to develop a research question about the city of Thessalonica, create a thesis, and prove it. It should be fun, but it'll be a lot of work added onto an already stressful semester. 
     C. I am officially dating someone. Despite my nervousness for obvious reasons, the "Dad Talk" happened Saturday and went exceptionally well. He gave us full permission and blessing. :) Her name is Katie, and you (If you are from my home town) will likely meet her in the not-too-distant future. She's pretty much amazing. Godly, talented, wants to be a missionary, all that good stuff. I'm a lucky, excited guy. 

Here's a little thought from this morning. 

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

I look back in sadness on the many times this command would have helped me make a much better decision. Too often I get so wrapped up in trying to figure out the complexities of life that I forget to focus on the simple instructions that God has given us. Be kind and compassionate. Forgive. It's amazing what a difference the little things will make. 

Yup. Me and Katie :)

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