
Monday, February 17, 2014

Ready, Set, Go!

    Hello everyone!
    Many of you know that I’m studying linguistics in college and that I’m passionate about bible translation. Sadly, there are still about 1,900 languages in the world that do not have any scripture in their language. A bible translated into the heart language of a people group allows people to hear God’s word in a way that they truly understand, and they can use written language to tangibly preserve their history, culture, and heritage.
     I’ve now been given the opportunity to help do something about this poverty of scripture! March 14-16, my team (Team Kenya, which is me and three others) will represent North Greenville University in Race to 2025: African Sign Languages. We’ll participate in an adventure race at Doe River Gorge in Tennessee, where we’ll run, hike, bike, canoe, rappel, and whatever else we have to do to locate a “hidden village” where villagers who speak an unwritten language will be waiting our arrival. Once we navigate the geographic challenges, we’ll have to conquer an even more daunting task: solving the linguistic challenges presented by the villagers (who don’t speak English). The course and these linguistic challenges replicate the physical and linguistic difficulties faced by language surveyors, the frontline workers of bible translation.

     Our goal is to raise $2,000 by March 7th to support the training of indigenous bible translators for African Sign Languages. The deaf are one of the most unevangelized and spiritually neglected peoples in the world, and these native translators have a vision to see God’s word accessible to deaf people all across Africa. To aid these sign language translators, Wycliffe has offered training and support, which is detailed further in the attached information page about this sign language project.
     I would appreciate your partnership and support in this endeavor. If you would like to support through giving, simply click on this link (Donation Form) (please write "Aaron J Harris: Team Kenya in the comments/special instructions box on the donation page) or download the attached donation form and mail to Wycliffe Bible Translators (the address is on the form).
     More importantly, however, please lift up this bible translation project and the deaf of Africa in prayer. God’s power to save is incredible and unending, and our obedience to His calling to take the gospel to the ends of the earth begins by placing the gospel within reach of the natives.     

Thank you, and grace be with you!

African Sign Languages
Donation Form (front) (Please write "Aaron J Harris: Team Kenya" on the "donation to support" line)
Donation Form (back)

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