Stacy said something a few days ago that I thought profound. "All it really takes is 10 seconds of bravery." We were discussing moments of decision, when we're trying to work up the courage to speak to a stranger. The first 10 seconds are really all it takes; after that, the conversation starts rolling.
10 seconds of bravery. I wonder how many lives have been saved from a fireman's, a soldier's, a police officer's, or a good Samaritan's 10 seconds of bravery. The most critical moment is between when a person recognizes an opportunity and when he/she decides to take it or to ignore it. After that, the mind swings into action mode and everything is a bit easier; sometimes, it's even natural. After those first 10 seconds.
My point is that when sharing the gospel, it often only takes 10 seconds of courage to get the conversation going. I wonder how many souls have been saved from times when God used a missionary's, a pastor's, a coworker's, a friend's (the list goes on and on) 10 seconds of bravery. Yes, those initial moments are frightening and often awkward. A thousand thoughts run through our heads: What if we mess it up? What if they ask a question I don't have an answer to? What if they're offended? What if they're busy? There are a thousand unknowns, and very rarely do gospel-conversations go exactly the way we want them to go. But that's not the point. The point is obedience and faithfulness. No, there is no reason why God should naturally trust us with His message-we mess even the simple things up quite often. I think that's God's point. In His grace, in His love, in His desire to know us closely, He chooses to use us and our efforts to advance His kingdom. And that's a humbling and exciting place to be. We haven't earned our place in the Lord's service-we've been freely given it.
Recently, I read Luke 3: 18-20. Twice, Jesus compares the kingdom of God to something small that grows into something large. At first, a seed seems useless. One little speck placed in one little hole in the ground. But that one little speck, when given life and grown by God, flourishes into a mighty tree. Rarely does the Lord use the huge moments in life to dramatically grow the kingdom. Seldom do moments happen that we can point at and say, "Wow! That's a huge deal!" No, God chooses to use the little, everyday moments in life-the 'ordinary' moments of faithfulness-to one day grow into something that we can point at and say, "Wow! Jesus made that from that!?"
You never know what God is going to do with a mere 10 seconds.
Today's prayer place: Case Western Reserve University Bookstore. 11451 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106. This is one of my hang-out places, and I met an unbeliever here yesterday who is living a lifestyle that he knows does not please God. Stacy and I are going to meet him and do a gospel-centered bible study with him, so please pray that he will come to know Jesus as his Savior.
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