
Thursday, May 31, 2012


(Just as a preface, this has been typed very fast, so please ignore any typos. Thanks!)
         Today was an amazing, exciting, and miraculous day, because God once again proved that He really does answer prayer! For months, our team members and prayer partners have been praying that the villages would be receptive to the Gospel, and that God would be glorified. Well in the small village of Cochas, God is waging a heavenly war against the forces of spiritual darkness. And soon, I believe, He is going to bring the victory.

                Ephesians 6:12 says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” The people of Cochas have been enslaved to darkness for so long that Satan probably believes the place invincible. For God, however, nothing is impossible. Our visit today started at the community school, a small place teeming with teeming with laughing, excited children. And from there, our groups went out, and the results are encouraging and exciting!

                On particular group had a wonderful experience, so I’ll nickname it group 1. Group 1 included: Jill Dowling, Mom, Maria,  andPablo.

                                Together, Mrs. Jill and Mom were able (With the help of Pablo the translator) to spend the time before lunch engaging all of the children of the school. They played duck-duck goose, sang songs, and built up relationships so that they could share the light of Jesus Christ. After gaining the children’s trust and endearment, group 1 was able to give every child a bible and a tract and explain the Word of God. Many had never seen a non-Catholic bible before, and most were very interested and excited. From that point on, children could be seen throughout the community reading the bibles or analyzing the tracts. Hopefully seeds have been planted, and God will give the growth!

                After lunch, group 1 went prayer-walking throughout the community, and the results were amazing. God answered three distinct, independent prayers through that one time of ministry. Group 1 had decided to go to a cluster of houses in one direction, but a girl was walking home from school in a different direction. They decided to ask if they could go visit her house and she agreed. Once they arrived there, they found out that the girl’s grandmother had been saved for 5 years, and the mother had been saved for 1 year but just got baptized last week. Together, they had been praying that God would make them and their household a light for God in the community of 218 families, but they did not know how to be that light. So recently, they had been waking up at midnight (YES, 12:00 AM) to prayer-walk their village. Praise the Lord! So once the group arrived and shared with them Gabriel’s (the local missionary we are working with) desire to start a bible study, they eagerly desired their home to be the host. So right there, that’s two prayers answered: the native’s prayer to be a light and our team and prayer partners’ prayers that a person of peace willing to host a bible study would be found. Glory be to God, for through those women God may be bringing a revival to the village of Cochas! The third prayer is that Mom and Mrs. Jill have been praying that they would be able to experience another worship service with a group of local believers. Near the end of the time of visit, the people wanted to sing songs and worship God together. So group 1 and the local believers sang ‘Open the eyes of my heart’ together in Spanish, and the believers there were so excited that they ran and got a notepad and wrote down the lyrics. God is so good, and He brings together believers of every nation, tribe, and tongue! Please pray for those women specifically, because they will need much strength in the coming days to carry God’s word to people who are possibly hostile or resistant to it. Pray that God will work and guide them, and that He will receive the Glory!

                Group 1’s experience is extremely exciting, and my group (Myself, Sarah, Mr. Greg, and Alfredo) had an experience that demonstrates that God is working in Cachos, although the situation needs a lot of specific prayer. We met a woman named Margarita who was very interested in the Gospel. She has been pondering and yearning, and she said that she wants to become a Christian. However, there is a hindrance. Margarita owns a small store, and it provides enough income for her to live. Unfortunately, one of the main sources of income in the store is the alcohol. Although she knows that she could become a Christian, she also knows that entering into that relationship with Christ means that she will be changed and could no longer sell the alcohol with a clear heart. She is scared. Scared, because turning to God means giving up her security and her livelihood. Our group was able to pray with/for her, and Mr. Greg explained that, like Abraham, she may have to take the step of faith before God shows her the blessing of His provision. Please join with us in prayer for Margarita, that God will soften her heart and show her that He will be her protector and provider. Oh God, be with her!

     The last group (Scotty and Jadison Hayes, Patricia, and Gabriel) also had a number of good visits. Although the spiritual darkness has caused confusion (One person refused to take the bible because it wasn’t catholic, another thought they were Jehova’s Witnesses), God is beginning to shed His light on the place. Gabriel was able to connect with several families, and there was a definite openness to the Gospel and the possibility of a bible study beginning soon. In fact, Gabriel has said that one day he would like to build a church in the village. So please, remember the village of Cochas in your prayers. God is moving their, and I am excited to see the growth that He will bring!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Christ in Yera Cruz

“Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne.

Today was an awesome day in the Andes Mountains. Our team traveled about an hour up to a little village nested on top of a mountain 10,600 feet above sea level: Yera Cruz. From there, our team split up into groups to prayer-walk the village and offer bibles to anyone who would accept one. And man, God is working in that place! The first time the local missionaries tried to reach the village for Christ, they were driven away with sticks and stones. Literally. But through Gabriel’s work with plants and animals, a door was opened so that the Gospel could be shared. However, the cultural catholic influence is strong. There is one man in Yera Cruz who was a believer before today, and he faces persecution. One of our groups encountered an old woman who explained that the villagers believe that the Virgin Mary is punishing the entire village because the one man turned away from Catholicism. (This belief stems from a high level of rain this year that is causing minor mud slides). Our group, though, was able to explain that Mary is not God and should not be worshiped. Nevertheless, Satan still is trying to prevent the people of Yera Cruz from hearing the true Word of God. However, Christ will not be stopped. Soon, a bible study is to begin in the village, and there is a great interest. Please pray that our brother in Christ will be able to effectively teach the Word of God to the people there, and that salvation will come to that place.

                Today, as the team prayerwalked, 4 people accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Amen! Also, because a bible study is soon to begin, those 4 people may very well be able to reach those around them for Christ, and He will be glorified. Gloria! There are other team members who had awesome experiences, but I will relate just a couple of mine. Before lunch, we were prayer-walking on the very top of the mountain, and after a couple of house visits my group came to the house of the first believer in Yera Cruz. There we were able to fellowship with him, encourage him, and pray for him. He is a man of such faith and strength, and I pray that God will use him in a mighty way. After lunch, my group came upon several children, and Mrs. Jill and I were able to share Christ with them using a Gospel-color soccer ball and a translator. It was very exciting and nerve-wracking, all at the same time! Finally, we came up to a house, and while Gabriel spoke to the adults I engaged (or tried to) the children in conversation. They all wanted bibles, and I was very excited that they understood most of what I was trying to tell them. They were curious and interested, but there was one girl who was particularly attentive. I pray that God will speak to her heart through His word, and that she will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal lord and savior. The hearts of children are amazing, Oh God shine in them!

                So the first day was awesome. Thank you all for your prayers, and God Bless! Keep the prayer coming! Gloria a Dios!  

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another quicky...

It's been a hectic week.

Graduation. Followed by a steady string of things to do, including: baseball games, jam sessions, fixing (or trying to) a car, a graduation celebration, bowling, a movie date, canoing, and work. And to top it all off, I have to be packed for Ecuador by tomorrow. By 6:00 AM.

All of this is fun of course, but exhausting. I already feel like I need a break from vacation. There is one lesson, though, that stuck out to me from my experiences this week. I'm glad all of this is not what I live for. Bowling with friends, movies, hanging out- it's all great, but I don't see how anybody finds any true peace in it. If I based my life on what I was going to do next, I wouldn't be a very happy person at all. I love to do stuff and have adventures, but only through/with the peace of Jesus Christ. In Him I find true contentment, and in Him I find my rest. And thank God for that!

I should probably be packing, so I'm soon to go. And I'm ready to go, because Ecuador is a place teeming with the movement of the Spirit, and I'm eager to see how God is working in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Praise the Lord, because He is the ultimate peace and comfort!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wandering Thoughts...

Today was the last Friday that I'll ever spend in a classroom at PCHS. Can you say weird?

Driving home from school, I was pondering about all that's happened. All I've learned. The life lessons that I'll never forget. The friends I made. The trips I took. The failures I survived. The successes that I celebrated.

I haven't graduated yet, but it won't be long now. And when that day comes, A whole new chapter of my life will begin. I'm excited and nervous, and I'm confident and frightened. Whatever happens, wherever I end up, I know that my life will be forever safe in the arms of Christ.  \

When I look back over my high school career, I often wonder if I really made an impact. I wasn't perfect, and I made many mistakes. But then, I know that I have to trust God with whatever happened. Worrying won't do any good, and I know that I have striven to live in a way that points others to Christ. I can only hope that one day, maybe the seeds that were planted will be watered and will grow into a living, freed-by-grace soul. To live a life with Christ is the greatest adventure ever, and I truly hope that one day my life will be spent somehow teaching others about the God of love. I trust, and I hang on for the ride. The ride of my life.