
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

To Follow, To Live

My blog still exists, I promise. I haven't forgot. I just got really busy the last few months.

As marching band season comes to a halt, I'm finding myself with a little more freetime on my hands. This is a very welcome break after months of non-stop action. I was starting to think that life would never slow down, only to find myself nostalgic after it did. I had often thought about, but never really comprehended, what it would be last to march my last show on the Bear Stadium field. Now I know.

Last night I was able to sit down and study my bible for quite a while. It had been waaayy to long since I had read more than just a few verses at a time. And man, I forgot how refreshing it is. God really knew what He was talking about when He said that the way to know Him was through His Word.

I've had a recurring prayer layed on my soul lately. I want to follow the Lord. I'll waste my life if I don't. The question that keeps bothering me is how. How do I find a path I can't see? How do I follow a direction when I can't see past the windshield? Once again, I found the answer in the answer. The Bible.

Psalm 119:9 "How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your word."

Oh, how precious the Word of God is. He could've left us on our own, drowning in our sea of darkness to try desperately to live our lives. Instead, He gave us His Word, His Son, and His Spirit. They point to the invisible God, the God we worship, we live for, and live by. He truly is greatly to be praised.

As for not being able to see past the windshield? Thank God He gave us a compass. Thought led to thought, and before my quiet time was over, I stumbled upon Romans.

Romans 8:24 "Now in this hope we were saved, yet hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience"

God does care, and does answer questions. It may not be how we want, or the answer we want, or even when we want it. But He is ever-present, ever true. And all things ultimately work for the good of those who believe. Thank you God for your love, mercy, eternal kindness, and everlasting faithfulness. Without them, I really would be like a ship without a sail.

Do I expect all of my questions to be answered with magical verses or supernatural revelations? No. If nothing else, I know that I live for a reason. I have faith that by His grace, God will teach me the way. Wherever that may lead. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

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