We can drown in the dark, or we can gasp for the light.
Sometimes in my daily walk with Christ, I find it difficult to stay focused on the goal. It seems that darkness surrounds and engulfs me, that I am alone in the sea of eternity. And yet always, just when I am on the verge of giving up, God somehow takes my hand and lifts me up. Whether it is through prayer, a kind comment, the love of my friends and family, or some other casual, commonplace event, I am ever reminded that my Savior is with me everyday. It is so encouraging to know that the Holy Spirit guides us through not only the important, once in a lifetime decisions, but in our everyday decisions as well. I've discovered that my daily life is where I stand or fall. It's not just deciding where to go to college, or what my major is going to be. It's what to say to my friend who's hurting, or the kid in the hallway who can't-or won't- stand up for himself. It's in those moments that I need to surrender to God and let him lead the way. I have faith that He will, and He always comes through. If I cry out to God in the little circumstances, I can better understand what He's telling me when to do during the important circumstances. Life is like a railroad. It isn't always sunshine and daises, majestic mountains and eternal plains. Sometimes we hit a tunnel, and the light at the end seems so far away. But, in the words of Corrie Ten Boom, "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer."
If anybody stumbles across this blog on the web, do you know Christ? I beg you, cry out to Him. He is the answer to all true prayer, the Great Deliverer and Forgiver. He may not be who you think He is, but He is so much more. Being a Christian is not just following a set of rules, a list of do's or don'ts. It is knowing God in His fullness, it is delighting in Him, listening to Him, following Him. When you fall down He picks you up, when you hurt He comforts you, treats your wounds. I understand if you're skeptical. So was I. But He is big enough to answer your questions, powerful enough to teach you the way of life. If you want to know more, just ask me. I may not know much, but what I do know I give to you.
"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in
love lives in God, and
God in him." 1 John 4:16. He loves you. Cry to Him, and He will answer.
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